The Hidden Glow
Laia Mogas Soldevila
Haley Tavares, Ruiqi Bao, Shuailang Yan, Yiluo Li
The Hidden Glow demonstrates a theme of contrast through black and white materials, spacial hierarchies, and the before vs. after effect of a UV black light. The project embraces a double shell structure, in which the inner shell is “floating ”with the help from fishing-wires. The outer white shell adapts a ribbon wrapping technique to achieve the Moiré effect. Within the inner black shell, a black light stripe is hidden, which performs dynamically once the surrounding environment turns dark. It not only makes the inner object glow purple, but also turn the white mesh into blue. For the overall design of the project, we were inspired by the flower joints, which can combine members to form sides of five triangles. Therefore, we used icosahedron as our original geometry, and carried over the gird system from 1A. We relocated 12 vertexes to intersect with the grid to generate our outer shell of the project.
Hyperlapse Imagery
Geometry diagrams
Architectural Drawings
Exploded Axonometric render
Assembly Drawings
Joint drawings + Details