Eduardo Rega
Rachel Li, Tim Wu, Kareen Chen, Ariel Koltun-Fromm
A unit of protest. A forest of collective action.
A unit: What is your cause? Institutional critique is for all, not just those with nice degrees. So why should we tell you what to say? Pick up a kit for your own mushroom of protest, to decompose the institutions that have wronged you. We give you the pieces. You fill in the spaces. Use our templates, or assemble to parts pre-milled. Follow the assembly manual. Or don’t. Use the freedom of mache to give form to your activism. Involve children. Involve neighbors. Activism can be as simple as an act of making, of occupying space. Let this fungal form billboard your messaging, shape it with the forms that concern you.
A forest: what is our cause? We are concerned with the working conditions of laborers at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. That is our messaging, our formal language. It is specific and local. It may be of little concern to you. But activisms intersect, activism supporting activism. A single mushroom does little damage. A fungal colony brings mass decomposition. In your kit are linking joints for your tiling unit. Link with others in one great tiling of space, occupied space. Let our units stand together in ways they cannot stand on their own, in one great canopy of goodwill. We can shelter, nourish, heal, and rejoice as much as we demand change. After all, from decomposition comes nutrients that bear new life.
