Distorted Context
Eduardo Rega
Daniella Mulvey, Simone Yang, Dillon Day and Jun Li
Our project critiques the current state of the PMA by using collage and geometry to create different perspectives. A light wooden frame and 3D printed joints were assembled to construct a fragile structure that would ultimately be taken over by the ruled surfaces created using plaster. The various images created using simple line drawings challenge the current state of the PMA, and the art as an institution. Art in museums is often expensive and only provides more wealth for the board of trustees that are also part of the capitalist class. The art on the white walls displayed not to be touched is decontextualized, not created for its audience and stolen from other cultures/countries. Our pavilion decontextualizes images of the PMA through motion, projection and line work. Projections of the college only allows a viewer to connect the images from specific perspectives. When the viewer shifts from these positions the images get distorted and difficult to comprehend. The intentional placement of whitespace invites viewers to add their perspective on what democratized art in a post-PMA future might look like. Viewers are encouraged to respond to our provations about the art industry with statements, drawings, or creation of their own art.
